Perth – Aurora Circle – About Us


We extend a warm welcome to everyone to worship with us on Sunday at 10.30am in a spirit of holiness and peace. We love to learn and understand the truths from the Bible as revealed to us by the Lord through Emanuel Swedenborg. We endeavour to apply the truths in every moment of our waking lives so that we follow in the footsteps of The Lord God Jesus Christ.

We long to share the delight of these teachings with all who will hear the Lord’s call.

A brief history

The Aurora Circle of the General Church of the New Jerusalem started up in 2000 during the visit of Rev Alfred Acton to Perth in January of that year.

The First services were held in the Basement of the Dyslexia Society in Broom Street South Perth, led by Richard Hart and later John Frost.

The congregation was a diverse group, consisting of both young and old members, with a few babies among them. Eventually, the church relocated its services to McDougall House in South Perth, where they continued until 2020.

During the pandemic, services transitioned to Zoom and home-based gatherings. Currently, services are held at Earthwise in Subiaco, with a possible full attendance of up to 25 people, including children.

Over the years, numerous visiting pastors from the USA, as well as our resident pastor from Hurstville, have graced us with their presence, conducting baptisms, marriages, confirmations, funerals and teachings for our members and friends.

Given the irregular visits, the young children stay connected with the outreach in Bryn Athyn. They receive festival lessons sent to them during significant occasions such as Easter, June 19th (the Church’s Birthday), Thanksgiving, and Christmas.

Welcoming all people to be part of a living community serving the Lord and encouraging personal development