Our Minister
The Minister at Roseville New Church is Rev. Howard Thompson
Sunday Service weekly at 10 a.m.
Our weekly service is a time together to give thanks to God and reflect on our life. We use a selected passage from the Bible each week to deepen our understanding of God’s purposes for us and our response to God. We frequently include a guided meditation or a series of questions for quiet consideration. Communion is on the first Sunday of the month and open for everybody to share together. We have tea and coffee and fellowship together each Sunday after the service ends.
Sunday School
Classes are held concurrently with the 10am service on each Sunday of the month. Children are in the church for the first part of the service.
“Take your sandals off your feet for the place where you stand is holy ground.” (Exodus 3 verse 5)
Each moment in life is a precious opportunity God gives us to use and enjoy. It is like holy ground. We need to stand barefoot in whatever moment we are in and put our own expectations and feelings, like sandals, aside.