by Rev. Trevor Moffat
Reading through these the two books is like going on an adventure. For they contain many “highs” and “lows”. Examples of these are the contrasting hero type of characters such, as David, approaching the end of his reign and passing the royal role to Solomon; the eventual interaction of Elijah, and Elisha being set against the opposite, often called “evil,” characteristics as witnessed in Ahab and Jezebel.
Overall the literal accounts contained in these two books of have stimulated the writing, production, and presentation of many motion pictures. The seduction and romance between Solomon and the mysterious Queen of Sheba, along with the intrigue surrounding their relationship, is an outstanding illustration of this point.
An important pointer of these Biblical adventures
Scripturally the literal accounts of the lives of the kings and those around them are used to teach how the observance to God’s law produces blessings, while making an opposite choice is rewarded by judgment.
“Now if you walk before the Me as your father David walked, in integrity of heart and in uprightness, to do according to all that I have commanded you, and if you keep My statutes and My judgments, then I will establish the throne of your kingdom over Israel forever, as I promised David your father, saying, ‘You shall not fail to have a man on the throne of Israel'” (1 Kings 9:4,5)
Hence the theological thrust of the literal sense within the Books of Kings provides a prophetically oriented evaluation of the spiritual and moral causes that lead to the political and economic ruin of the two kingdoms. For example, Omri was one of Israel’s most important rulers from a political point of view, but because of his moral corruption, his achievements are dismissed in a mere eight verses (see 1 Kings 16:16, 21, 22 and 23-27).
Doctrinal Reference to support use of history in the Word
“The truths of the sense of the Letter of the Word are, in some cases, not naked truths, but appearances of truth, being, as it were, similitudes and comparisons taken from such things as are in nature, accommodated and adequate to the apprehension of simple people and children; but because they are correspondences, they are the receptacles and abodes of genuine truth. They are like vessels, which enclose and contain, as a crystal cup holds noble wine, or a silver dish nourishing food. They are like garments, which serve as clothing, like swaddling clothes for an infant, and comely robes for a maiden. “ (Doctrine of the Sacred Scripture, paragraph 40)
“The historical parts (of the Word) were given that children may be initiated by them into the reading of the Word; for these parts are delightful, and gain a place in the minds of young people, whereby communication is given them with the heavens. This is the reason why the Word is historic.” (Arcana Caelestia 6333.)
A Personal direction to do with Spiritual Development
Apart from the obvious teaching of these two books the spiritual message demonstrates the benefits of allowing the Lord to develop a positive “Ruling Love” within one’s own journey.