- Logopraxis – spiritual practice dedicated to bringing a spiritual perspective to living life. What you will find here are a range of videos and online courses focused primarily on working with spiritual texts as a basis for cultivating a transformative spiritual practice.
- A light burden. A key part of connecting with the Divine, to be born from Above, is to refrain from identifying with negativities, and in religious terminology, this is expressed as shunning sins. We can’t get to heaven without going through temptations, trials, combats, struggles, pain and grief. This booklet is well thought out, providing practical ways to implement a vital teaching that will speed up spiritual growth. Swedenborg says that the way to heaven is not as difficult as people often suppose. God is there helping you.
- Regeneration, Spiritual Growth Regeneration is the word Swedenborg uses to describe our growth as spiritual beings – a process of being created anew as spiritual people bound for heaven. He describes regeneration as a three-step process, one that begins with self-reflection, turning towards a better inner life, deepening our understanding, and finally focusing on the regeneration of our will and affections.
- A Daily Spiritual Practice Based on Swedenborg’s Rules of Life – according to James Lawrence, Swedenborg’s “Rules of Life” incorporates the essence of two popular Christian spirituality practices, Lectio Divina and the Ignatian Examen.
Links courtesy of the Swedenborg Association of Australia