The following sites provide resources for those looking for more information about the New Church and/or Swedenborg’s writings. The New Church in Australia does not necessarily endorse the views expressed by these sites, but hope you will find them interesting and useful.
Spirit and Life YouTube Channel
The Spirit and Life YouTube channel offers spiritual direction for individuals and small groups based on the practice of spiritual principles drawn from the Bible understood in the light of the teachings revealed through Emanuel Swedenborg (1688-1772) for the practice of Spiritual Christianity.
Swedenborg Community Victoria YouTube Channel
Offering live-streamed services of worship, plus a variety of talks and information on spiritual topics for adults and children. The Swedenborg Community Victoria is based in Clayton in Melbourne, walking distance to Monash University.
Spiritual Shorts YouTube Channel
Howard Thompson is currently serving as minister for the Roseville Society. On his YouTube Channel you’ll find some short devotional videos.
Hurstville New Church Media
The Hurstville New Church is located in Hurstville in south Sydney. They value building a church community that offers family and individual personal support, the opportunity to share experiences, and to nourish each other spiritually. At this link they share video and recordings of their services.
They also have a YouTube Channel you can find at:
Todd Beiswenger’s YouTube Channel
Todd Beiswenger is currently serving as pastor at Hurstville New Church. On his YouTube Channel he shares some recordings of services and other talks he has given.
Swedenborg vBooks YouTube Channel
Swedenborg vbooks is a project focussed on promoting the spiritual revelations given to Emanuel Swedenborg over the last 26 years of his life when he explored and documented the spiritual world and the realm of the after life. People today are often time starved and this work seeks to put his books into a video/audio format that will benefit the viewers in their own spiritual journey to the Lord and the Resurrection.
Swedenborg Australia
Swedenborg Australia YouTube channel has videos of talks given in Australia on Swedenborg and spirituality, short introductory videos on spiritual topics and a slideshow of Swedenborgian concepts called ‘Spiritual Rays of Light’.
The Swedenborg Foundation YouTube Channel
The Swedenborg Foundation is an independent, educational US-based nonprofit that serves to publish, preserve, and promote the life-guiding principles of eighteenth-century spiritual world explorer Emanuel Swedenborg. They produce faith and spirituality-based content across a variety of media, both online and in print.
offTheLeftEye YouTube Channel
offTheLeftEye looks at life and death through the spiritual perspectives of Emanuel Swedenborg. They post an array of educational and entertaining video formats including a live weekly webcast with host Curtis Childs from the Swedenborg Foundation. They cover the afterlife, angels and spirits, near-death experiences, God, spirituality, and more, and try to balance these faith-based topics with evidence-based research from subject experts.
Guang Bin Liu YouTube Channel – For Information in Chinese
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