Brisbane – About Us

Statement of purpose

The Brisbane Society of the New Church is committed to making the one God of heaven and earth, the risen Lord Jesus Christ, as real to people as possible and to resourcing, as best it can, those whose lives it touches with spiritual truths, reassurance and guidance to handle life’s opportunities and challenges, its joys and disappointments. It holds to the holiness of the Bible, but not in a literalist or fundamentalist manner. It sees the Bible as dynamic and alive with ever deepening levels of meaning, the key to which it believes are given in the theological Writings of Emanuel Swedenborg. And whilst it is committed to its particular “take” on things, and enthusiastic about it, it honours the faiths and religious traditions of others. It is a person’s willingness to subordinate self and to shun evil as identified in their faith system that matters and which is the way to salvation.


The Brisbane Society of the New Church was founded in 1865 and amongst its early activists was noted early Colonist and State Ornithologist, Mr. Sylvester Diggles, who also for a time was its Leader. Its first Church was in Wickham Terrace from which it moved in 1909 to a larger building in Anne St. In 1960 the Society moved to its present premises in Rosalie. From the late 1800’s through until the time of his passing, the well-known Community philanthropist, Mr. George Marchant was a leading member.


Current membership, whilst modest numerically, is drawn from different parts of Brisbane and the greater Brisbane area and also from the Gold and Sunshine Coasts. Ages range from babies to those in their autumn years. Some were born into the Church and others, from seeking, found their way to it.

Main activities

Main activities at Dutton Park are Sunday Services on the 1st, 2nd and 3rd Sundays. On the first Sunday we hold a FAMILY SERVICE when all ages are catered for. On the 2nd Sunday we hold a Circle Discussion and on the 3rd Sunday a traditional Service presently led by our Deputy Leader, Mr. Ken Thompson.

We also hold Services on the Gold Coast, usually on the first Tuesday a Children’s Service in the late afternoon followed by an Adult Service in the early evening. Please contact Mrs. Gaye Heldon on (07) 5577 8772 for further details.

Our Mission

As part of the universal Church of the Lord our focus is on the Lord Jesus Christ and we long to bring His light to lift the mind and His love to comfort the heart, so that we all may together be encouraged and strengthened by His love and longing for each and every one of us.

Meet the Pastor

Rev Darren Brunne

Our minister is Darren Brunne. He is married to Renee and they have 6 children and one on the way. You can’t miss them at the church: just look for the large crowd of children. Darren has completed a Diploma of Ministry and is ordained with the New Church in Australia. Darren has always had an interest in spiritual things which led him to leave home and live in an ashram(temple) at 15 years of age. At 19 he had an encounter with Christ that convinced him to leave his then spiritual path and follow the Christian faith. Darren spent many years ministering in worship and children’s church. At the age of 28, he began traveling internationally and around Australia as an itinerant minister. His love for the Word of God and its deeper spiritual meaning led him to discover the works of Emanuel Swedenborg. This brought him into contact with our Brisbane New Church community and after studying at the Australian New Church College, he now serves as our minister.

Darren has spent over a decade working with young children who suffer from post traumatic stress and difficult behaviours. These children, due to exposure to violence and abuse, have been removed from their families by the Department of Child Safety. This work has helped ground Darren in the reality of everyday struggles, losses and joys of life.

Darren believes that The Lord Jesus Christ is the one true God of Heaven and when we have a real relationship with Him we can find healing for the brokenness and hardship often endured by life on earth and day to day relationships.

He also believes that while we have spiritual leaders, we each must take responsibility for our own spiritual growth, and believes that Christianity, when truly practised, is a positive and life giving spiritual path.

Contact Darren:
Mobile: 0421 319 252


As well as friendliness we hope you will find us supportive of you in your journey. There is no hard sell and you are welcome to come and go as you feel is right.

Welcoming all people to be part of a living community serving the Lord and encouraging personal development